My name is David Jenkins. I willingly laid my life down on March 8-9 of 2016. This is when Jesus Christ took over my body. I too, as well as every person on the planet am a servant and or vessel of God. I was in the belly of the earth for three days and nights. This happened on March 28th, Good Friday of 1986. I was in a coma, ( almost the same as being dead) until Monday morning. It was 30 years later almost to the day that I was baptized with the Holy Ghost. Since April of 2015, The Father and I have published three books. The first being Father, forgive us, we haven't been listening, published April 2015. the second is Behold, a greater than Jonas is here!!!, published October of 2018. the third, Jesus Christ in the flesh!, published August of 2019. Through this site you will learn that I come in my Father's name and I seek His will and do not seek to be honored by any man.